Other Tumors
Others Brain Tumors
There are many others tumors. Some of them arise from within the ventricle known as interventricular SOL, some of them behind the eye ball known as retrobulbar tumors. There are also some parenchymal tumors like glioma. There are also some tumor like cyst like hydatid cyst, colloid cyst, dermoid cyst etc.In case of child metastatic tumors occur in rare occasion. Most of the intracranial tumors (ICSOL) produce common sing and symptoms except retrobulbar tumors. Proptosis, headache and visual problem is the main presentation in case of retrobulbar tumors.
Common Presentations in case of ICSOL
- Raised intracranial pressure
- Increasing head circumference
- Irritability
- Failure to thrive
- Behavioral changes
- Seizures