Hydrocephalus is possibly most simply defined as an increase in the fluid-containing spaces of the brain at increased pressure, resulting from an imbalance between CSF production and absorption or flow. Classified as Communicating versus noncommunicating, Obstructive versus absorptive, Acquired versus congenital, Genetic or central nervous system (CNS) malformation –associated versus isolated, Intraventricular–obstructive versus extraventricular, Simple versus complicated. Treatment option depends on patient condition. Treatment option are ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt, Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV), Ventriculosubgaleal (VSG) shunts and Observation.
Sign & Symptoms of Hydrocephalus
- In case of infant progressive enlargement of head and bulging, tense anterior fontanel, Delayed Milestone of development, Drowsy and irritable, Poor feeding, Vomiting, Decrease heart rate, Scalp veins may be distended, Scalp skin thin and shiny, Cranial sutures splayed
In case of older children deteriorating school performance as a result of headaches, failing mental function, memory loss, or behavioral disturbances.
More acutely, these children present with symptoms and signs of increased ICP, such as headache, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, gait changes, papilledema, and upgaze and/or abducens palsy.