Spinal Injury
Spinal Injury
Children represent only 5 to 7% of spinal injuries admitted to major medical centers. Within different age groups, however, the mechanisms of injury vary. In young children (0 to 9 years) falls and accidents involving pedestrians versus motor vehicles predominate as the most common mechanisms of injury. In older children MVAs predominate as the most common mechanism, with sports-related injuries becoming the next most likely mechanism of injury. Age correlates not only with the mechanism of injury but also with the level of injury and injury type (osseous, subluxation, both, or spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality [SCIWORA]).The data from two large contemporary series of pediatric spinal column injuries reveal cervical injuries to predominate (61%), followed by lumbar (14%) and thoracolumbar (14%), then thoracic injuries (11%), respectively.
Spinal Injuries