Occult Spinal Dysraphism
Occult Spinal Dysraphism
The term occult spinal dysraphism (OSD) refers to a group of disorders arising as a result of the malformation of midline dorsal neural, mesenchymal, and cutaneous ectodermal structures during embryogenesis.OSD has come to encompass diastematomyelia and split-cord malformation (SCM), meningocele manqué, dermal tract or sinus with and without intraspinal tumors, lipoma of the conus and/or filum, and other abnormalities of the filum.Although these con ditions vary in their clinical features, embryopathology, and response to treatment, the clinical disorders.
- Asymptomatic infant with cutaneous marker like Tuft of hair in back, Hypertrichosis
- Asymptomatic infant or child with caudal regression syndrome
- Symptomatic child with incontinence/evolving neurologic or orthopedic anomalies like Scoliosis, Tethered cord, Weakness of both lower limb and UTI.
- Symptomatic child with secondary incontinence and a normal filum on MR imaging (occult tethered cord syndrome).