Spinal Tumors

Spinal Tumors

The classification of spinal tumors is based on their anatomical origin and extension, specifically with relation to the spinal cord (intra- or extramedullary) and dura (extra- or intradural).Pediatric extradural tumors involving the spinal column. These tumors may arise from osseous or paravertebral structures and may be primary or metastatic.The clinical symptoms, usually pain, limb weakness, mass, spinal deformity and sphincter disturbances allow early diagnostic consideration and evaluation.Thmors arising from tissue elements within the spinal cord are a small subgroup of central nervous system (CNS) tumors in children. They are considered particularly threatening because of their localization in between densely packed fiber tracts that are all essential for motor control, movement coordination. and different modalities of sensation.

Spinal Tumor Paediatric Neurosurgeon

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